Duhaylongsod, L., Charner-Laird, M., & Pomerantz, F. (2024). Attending to Pre-Service Teachers’ Professional Agency: Lessons from a Graduate Course on Inquiry and Advocacy. The Journal of Advancing Education Practice, 4(3). https://openriver.winona.edu/jaep/vol4/iss3/2
Pomerantz, F. (2021). Five principles for auditing your curriculum: Increasing cultural responsiveness and the use of diverse teaching materials. Learning A-Z. https://www.learninga-z.com/site/breakroom/auditing-curriculum-cultural-responsiveness
Condie, C. & Pomerantz, F. (2020). Elementary students’ literacy opportunities in an age of accountability and standards: Implications for teacher educators. Teaching and Teacher Education, 92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2020.103058. Article available for download until May 23, 2020: https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1arAC_,1h~u~aqI
Simpson, A., Pomerantz, F., Kaufman, D., & Ellis, S. (2020). Developing habits of noticing in literacy and language classrooms: Research and practice across professional cultures. Abingdon, UK: Routledge Press. https://www.routledge.com/Developing-Habits-of-Noticing-in-Literacy-and-Language-Classrooms-Research/Simpson-Pomerantz-Kaufman-Ellis/p/book/9780367336141
Pomerantz, F. & Kaufman, D. (2020). Reflections on “noticing” research and implications for the future. In A. Simpson, F. Pomerantz, D. Kaufman & S. Ellis (Eds.), Developing habits of noticing in literacy and language classrooms. Abingdon, UK: Routledge Press.
Gonzalez, M., Pomerantz, F., & Condie, C. (2020). Teacher candidates learn to notice during supervisory conferences. In A. Simpson, F. Pomerantz, D. Kaufman & S. Ellis (Eds.), Developing habits of noticing in literacy and language classrooms. Abingdon, UK: Routledge Press.
Pomerantz, F. (Fall 2018). Facilitating teachers’ appreciation and use of controversial picture books. The Reading Professor, 41 (1). Article available for download: The_reading_professor_winter_2018.pdf
Pomerantz, F. & Condie, C. (2017). Building bridges from pre-service experiences to classroom literacy teaching: Challenges and opportunities. Teaching and Teacher Education, 64, 211-221. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2017.02.011
Pomerantz, F. & Ippolito, J. (2015). Power tools for talking: Custom protocols enrich coaching conversations. JSD: The Learning Forward Journal, 36 (1), 40-43. Article available for download: Power-tools-for-talking
Ippolito, J., & Pomerantz, F. (2013-2014). Protocols as essential tools for literacy professional learning communities in the common core era. Massachusetts Reading Association Primer, 42 (2), 44-51. Article available for download: Protocols as essential tools
Pomerantz, F. & Pierce, M. (2013). “When do we get to read?” Reading instruction and literacy coaching in a “failed” urban elementary school. Reading Improvement, 50 (3), 101-117. Article available for download: Pomerantz & Pierce
Pomerantz, F. & Pierce, M. (2010). Collaborating with classroom teachers to improve performance assessments in literacy methods courses. The Reading Professor, 32 (2), 14-24. Article available for download: RP_Winter_2010
Pierce, M. & Pomerantz, F. (2006). From pre-service to in-service: The evolution of literacy teaching practices and beliefs in novice teachers. In J. Hoffman, D. Schaller, C. Fairbanks, J. Worthy, & B. Maloch (Eds.), 55th Yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 235-248). Oak Creek, WI: National Reading Conference.
Pomerantz, F. & Pierce, M. (2004). From literacy methods classes to the real world: Experiences of pre-service teachers. Journal of the New England Reading Association, 40 (2), 55-62.
Pomerantz, F. (2001). Parent-child literacy projects. In D. Hiatt-Michael (Ed.), Promising practices for family involvement in schools (pp. 59-84). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.